A company website is your first impression; it serves as your digital storefront, offering a central hub for customers to learn more about what a company provides, explore products or services, and make purchasing decisions. 

It’s essential for establishing credibility, enhancing visibility, and reaching a wider audience. In an era where consumers turn to the internet for almost everything, from reading reviews to comparing prices, a well-designed website is critical for staying competitive. 

Forming a Plan

Before you get into building a website, be clear about what you want it to achieve. Do you want to generate sales through an e-commerce platform or educate potential customers about your services? Maybe you’re looking to collect leads or showcase a portfolio. Setting clear, measurable objectives will guide the design and functionality of your site and ensure that every element aligns with your business goals.

Understanding your target audience

Who is your website for? By getting to know your target audience, you’re able to tailor the user experience to match their preferences, whether that’s a mobile-friendly design for younger users or a simplified navigation for less tech-savvy visitors. Create personas to help visualize your audience and understand their needs.

Core features and functionalities

The features and functionalities of your website should support your objectives and satisfy your audience’s needs. For example, you’ll need a secure shopping cart feature if you’re selling products. To generate leads, you’ll want a contact form or newsletter subscription. Lay out the must-have features from the start to ensure they’re seamlessly integrated into the design.

Creating a content plan

Your content is the voice of your website and is vital for engaging users and improving SEO. Developing a content plan involves deciding on the type of content (text, images, videos) and topics that will attract and hold your audience’s attention. You’ll want your content to demonstrate expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in your field.

Importance of a Good Domain Name

Your domain name is your address on the web and is tied directly to your brand identity. It affects SEO, marketing, and brand recognition. A well-chosen domain name can make a memorable impression, while a poor one can detract from your site’s credibility.

Aim for something short, easy to remember, and easy to spell. It should also be unique to your business and free of potential copyright issues. Avoid numbers and hyphens since they can be confusing or easily forgotten.

To register a domain name, you’ll need to find a domain registrar, an online service that lets you search for and purchase domain names. Many web hosting services make it easy and include domain registration in their packages. 

Selecting a Web Hosting Service

Do you ever wonder how your site is accessed on the internet? That’s powered by web hosting. It involves renting space on a server where your website’s files and data are stored and served to visitors when they type in your domain name.

There are a few hosting options to choose from, depending on your budget and technical needs:

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When choosing a hosting provider, consider the uptime guarantee, support services, scalability options, security features, and whether they offer backups. Read reviews and choose a provider specializing in the content management system you plan to use.

Planning the Design and Layout

The design of your website is the first thing visitors notice and sets the tone for their perception of your brand. A well-designed website conveys professionalism and credibility and can significantly influence user engagement and conversion rates. It’s about finding the balance between aesthetic appeal and functionality.

Principles of User-Friendly Design

“User-friendly design focuses on making your website easy and enjoyable to use.”

This means intuitive navigation, fast loading times, readable fonts, and an approachable color scheme. Every design element should have a purpose and contribute to a seamless user experience.

Responsive Design

With more and more people accessing sites through smartphones, your website must perform just as well across all devices. Responsive design ensures your website adjusts to the screen size and position of the device it is accessed on, providing the best viewing experience possible for desktop, tablet, and mobile users.

Creating Wireframes and Mockups

Wireframes are basic layouts that outline the sizes and order of page elements, features, and navigation for your website. They don’t include design elements like colors and fonts and focus on the “big picture” of your site’s structure. Mockups build upon wireframes to add visual style elements, helping you visualize the final look of your site before development begins.

Building the Website

You can DIY with website builders like Wix or Squarespace if you lack a coder. With these platforms, you can use drag-and-drop tools for easy development, and – bonus – they typically include hosting and support.

You can also use a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress: A CMS provides more customization options and control over your site. WordPress is popular because of its flexibility and the range of themes and plugins.

Consider hiring a professional web designer/ developer for a fully custom and professional website. This is especially useful for complex sites or if you have specific needs that DIY options can’t meet.

Creating Content for Your Website

Content is king, and for a good reason. Well-crafted, valuable content contributes to attracting and retaining your audience. Incorporate relevant keywords to optimize your content for search engines, which will help your site rank higher in search results.

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The right multimedia elements can help make your website more engaging and effectively illustrate your points. Use high-quality images, videos, and infographics relevant to your content and enhance the user experience.

Your content also needs to be accessible and follow ADA guidelines. Accessibility is about making your website usable by as many people as possible, including those with disabilities. Use alt tags for images, ensure proper text contrast ratios, and provide video captions or transcripts. 

Incorporating Business-Specific Features

E-commerce Functionalities 

Planning to sell products right from your website? You’ll want to set up an online store with a product catalog, shopping cart, and a secure payment system. Choosing the right e-commerce platform that aligns with your business needs, whether a plugin like WooCommerce for WordPress or a dedicated solution like Shopify, is critical to providing a smooth shopping experience for your customers.

Booking Systems

Service-oriented businesses such as restaurants, salons, or consulting firms may need a booking system on their website. This feature allows customers to book appointments or reserve services directly online. The system should be user-friendly and integrate seamlessly with your website design, providing clear availability and easy navigation.

Contact Forms

Contact forms allow users to reach out to you directly through the website. A good contact form is concise, asking only for essential information like name, email, and the purpose of the inquiry. You’ll want to Implement spam protection measures to keep your inbox free from junk mail.

Social Media Integration

There are a few ways to incorporate your social media on your site, potentially broadening your reach and creating a more cohesive online presence. Consider adding social media buttons that link to your profiles and social feeds or share buttons that allow content to be easily shared across social platforms.

Website Maintenance and Updates

Like any other aspect of your business, your website needs regular attention and maintenance – like a car would. This includes updating content, refreshing the design, and ensuring all software and plugins are current. These updates are essential for security, SEO, and the best user experience.

Security Aspects

Keeping your site secure includes implementing SSL certificates to encrypt data, setting up firewalls, and running regular security scans. Making sure your website’s software is up to date is also critical for preventing vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit.

Backing Up Your Website

Regular backups are a safety net against data loss due to technical malfunctions, hacking, or other unforeseen events. Automated backup solutions can be set up through most hosting services or third-party plugins so that you can revert your website to a previous state if something goes wrong.

Now you’re ready to get started!

Creating a website can seem daunting, but luckily, there are plenty of tools and guides for businesses of every size and stage. Stay attuned to your website’s performance, listen to user feedback, and continually optimize your site for growth.

We take a custom approach to your growth goals by assembling and leading the best-in-class marketing team to support your next stage.