


Articles about Announcements

Frank Growth – Episode 3 – Uncommon Dad Truths

Friday, June 14, 2024

Frank Growth – Episode 3 – Uncommon Dad Truths

Welcome to Frank Growth, the podcast where husband and wife duo Jason Shafton and Alyssa Fox explore the intricacies of business and personal growth. In this special Father’s Day episode, Jason flies solo and interviews Nick Aubin, the co-founder and CEO of Commons Clinic, about his experience as a dad and an entrepreneur. They discuss...
Frank Growth – Episode 2 – Take a Trip on the Othership

Friday, May 31, 2024

Frank Growth – Episode 2 – Take a Trip on the Othership

Welcome to Frank Growth, the podcast where husband and wife duo Jason Shafton and Alyssa Fox explore the intricacies of business and personal growth. In this episode, they engage in a fascinating conversation with Robbie and Emily Bent, the visionary co-founders of Othership. Othership is not just a platform, it’s a transformative concept that combines...
Motherhood is Hot

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Motherhood is Hot

Two huge things happened this week. Alyssa and I welcomed our second daughter, and we are officially launching Frank Growth, a podcast we are co-hosting. We wanted a place to discuss the intricacies of balancing work, life, and parenthood. We interview other couples and entrepreneurs, creating a space for listeners to learn, reflect, and find...
Who is Winston Francois anyway?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Who is Winston Francois anyway?

People often asked me “What do you do?” and I used to say “marketing” or “startups” or “I work in tech.” Now, I tell them that I started a growth consulting company called Winston Francois. That, in turn, leads to more questions: “Who is Winston Francois?” “What is growth consulting?” So here’s the story. In...

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